News Podcast

Ep. #962: Tom Beaujour & Richard Bienstock on ‘Lollapalooza’

Tom Beaujour and Richard Bienstock discuss their new book Lollapalooza: The Uncensored Story Of Alternative Rock’s Wildest Festival, living among bears, whether Guitar World journalists are required to shred, why their book Nöthin’ But a Good Time: The Uncensored History of the ’80s Hard Rock Explosion and Michael Azerrad’s Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground, 1981–1991, led them to Lollapalooza’s rise and fall, activism, credibility and selling out, why many artists who played or agreed to play Lollapalooza were not into it, Guided by Voices destroying Beastie Boys in backstage basketball games, the infamous year Metallica headlined, why Kim Thayil wrote the foreword, if this book could be more than a book, other future plans, and much more.

EVERY OTHER COMPLETE KREATIVE KONTROL EPISODE IS ONLY ACCESSIBLE TO MONTHLY $6 USD PATREON SUPPORTERS. Enjoy this excerpt and please subscribe now via this link to hear this full episode. Thanks!

Thanks to the BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. 
Support Y.E.S.S., Pride Centre of Edmonton, and Letters Charity. Follow vish online. Support vish on Patreon!

Related episodes/links:

Ep. #960: Kim Thayil
Ep. #933: Alex Ross Perry, Scott Kannberg, and Robert Greene on ‘Pavements’
Ep. #924: Lance Bangs and Bob Nastanovich on ‘Pavements’
Ep. #902: David Yow from The Jesus Lizard
Ep. #880: Guided By Voices
Ep. #830: Michael Balazo
Ep. #825: Dave Hill
Ep. #770: Adam Horovitz from Beastie Boys
Ep. #673: Sonic Youth
Ep. #436: Michael Azerrad
Ep. #373: Pavement’s Bob Nastanovich and Steve West
ICE-T (2012)

News Podcast

Ep. #859: Raymond Biesinger

Raymond Biesinger discusses his best-selling book, 305 Lost Buildings of Canada, and trajectory as an illustrator, when Cadence Weapon introduced us outside of a Sadies show in Edmonton, why he didn’t actually feel like attending that show, his time in the Famines and why he retired from music making, his Edmonton social circles, why his work highlights marginalized lives and his use of historical adaptation, how his collaboration with Alex Bozikovic and their book came about, people who steal his work, an idea for his next book, other future plans, and much more.

Support vish on Patreon! Thanks to Blackbyrd MyoozikPizza Trokaderothe BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.

Related episodes/links:

Ep. #858: Cadence Weapon
Ep. #775: Will Oldham & Lori Damiano
Ep. #716: Kate Beaton
Ep. #657: Jud Haynes
Ep. #625: Cots
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Ep. #208: Gary Taxali
Ep. #178: Shary Boyle

News Podcast

Ep. #599: Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg writer, scholar, and musician Leanne Betasamosake Simpson on her latest books, Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies and A Short History of the Blockade, her new album Theory of Ice, Gord Downie, future plans, and more! Supported by you on Patreon, Live at Massey Hall, Pizza Trokadero, the Bookshelf, Planet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG.