News Podcast

Ep. #762: Chandler Levack

Chandler Levack discusses her beautiful, funny directorial debut, I Like Movies, Toronto life and her family history, being a film critic and a filmmaker, teenage angst and anticipation, narrative autobiography, I Like Movies’ remarkable cast and acclaim, misogyny in popular culture, regionalism and Canadian storytelling, support from Sarah Polley, exciting future plans, and much more. Supported by you on PatreonPizza Trokaderothe BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.

News Podcast

Ep. #753: Andy Shauf

Andy Shauf discusses his compelling new album Norm, thoughts about a perceived Andy Shauf multiverse, narrative inspiration from George Saunders and Nicholas Olson, employing synthesizers for various reasons, god and Seinfeldia, touring again, other future plans, and much more. Supported by you on PatreonBlackbyrd MyoozikPizza Trokaderothe BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.

News Podcast

Ep. #630: Nathan Salsburg

Nathan Salsburg discusses his new album Psalms and reconnecting with Judaism, his work with the Alan Lomax Archive, getting hot ‘n’ heavy with Will Oldham, why David Berman is so significant to Jewish culture, writing new music with Joan Shelley, future plans, and much more! Supported by you on Patreon, Blackbyrd Myoozik, Pizza Trokadero, the Bookshelf, Planet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.