News Podcast

Ep. #851: Mark Mothersbaugh

Mark Mothersbaugh from DEVO discusses his new hardcover art book, APOTROPAIC BEATNIK GRAFFITI, how limited eyesight helped make him a visionary, a 2020 hospital admission for COVID-19 that changed his life forever, mail art and thousands of art cards, how visual art led to the pursuit of music and DEVO’s formation, very old and very recent personal interactions with three Beatles, loving the Rolling Stones and avoiding LSD, the essay Ian Svenonius wrote for this book, the current state of devolution, what’s next for him and DEVO, other future plans, and much more.  

Support vish on Patreon! Thanks to Blackbyrd MyoozikPizza Trokaderothe BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.

Related episodes/links:

Ep. #736: Douglas Andrew McCombs
Ep. #673: Sonic Youth
Ep. #659: Robin Hatch
Ep. #550: Ian Svenonius & Rich Morel of Too Much
Ep. #107: Friendly Rich
Ep. #19: Ian F. Svenonius

News Podcast

Ep. #774: L CON

L CON discusses her lovely, revealing new album, The Isolator, the Guelph geese, creative instincts, existential anxiety, and embracing vulnerability, secret rules, exploring her Swiss-Canadian heritage and the alphorn, piano and parts work, climbing Swiss alps, future plans, and much more. Supported by you on PatreonPizza Trokaderothe BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.

News Podcast

Ep. #753: Andy Shauf

Andy Shauf discusses his compelling new album Norm, thoughts about a perceived Andy Shauf multiverse, narrative inspiration from George Saunders and Nicholas Olson, employing synthesizers for various reasons, god and Seinfeldia, touring again, other future plans, and much more. Supported by you on PatreonBlackbyrd MyoozikPizza Trokaderothe BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.