News Podcast

Ep. #395: Robert Hilburn

Esteemed American music writer Robert Hilburn discusses time spent with Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, and his new, authorized biography, Paul Simon – The Life, which was published by Simon & Schuster in May 2018. Supported by Pizza Trokadero, the Bookshelf, Planet Bean CoffeeGrandad’s DonutsHumber College’s online Music Composition course, Hello Fresh, and Planet of Sound.

News Podcast

Ep. #369: Andrew Cohen & Light Coma

Andrew Cohen discusses Jason Molina of Magnolia Electric Co., Michael Dahlquist of Silkworm, and his new Comedy Minus One release with Light Coma, Unreality. Sponsored by Pizza Trokadero, the Bookshelf, Planet Bean CoffeeGrandad’s Donuts, Freshbooks, and Hello Fresh Canada.

News Podcast

Ep. #364: Walter Shreifels of Dead Heavens, Quicksand

Walter Shreifels discusses his bands Dead Heavens and Quicksand and their new, respective albums, Whatever Witch You Are, out on Dine Alone, and Interiors, out via Epitaph. Sponsored by Pizza Trokadero, the Bookshelf, Planet Bean CoffeeGrandad’s Donuts, Freshbooks, and Hello Fresh Canada.