News Podcast

Ep. #393: Captain Sensible of The Damned

Captain Sensible of the Damned talks about his disdain for most music, cleaning bogs, touring with T. Rex, helping start British punk rock, Hans Zimmer’s music, the Damned’s eleventh album, Evil Spirits, and much more. Supported by Pizza Trokadero, the Bookshelf, Planet Bean CoffeeGrandad’s DonutsHumber College’s online Music Composition course, Hello Fresh, and Planet of Sound.

News Podcast

Ep. #391: Kathy Griffin

Award-winning comedian Kathy Griffin discusses her infamous Donald Trump photo, the change in Roseanne Barr, and her Laugh Your Head Off World Tour. Supported by Pizza Trokadero, the Bookshelf, Planet Bean CoffeeGrandad’s DonutsHumber College’s online Music Composition course, Hello Fresh, and Planet of Sound.

News Podcast

Ep. #381: Anti-Black Racism, Anxiety, & the Arts Panel with Sydanie, Sajae Elder, Dr. Keith Cunningham, Sharine Taylor & Coko Galore on Long Night

This episode was recorded before a live studio audience at Workman Arts in Toronto, Ontario during Long Winter on Saturday February 24, 2018. Our discussion delved into how anti-Black racism impacts stress and anxiety levels among artists and creators, and our guest panellists were Sydanie, Sajae Elder, Keith Cunningham, Sharine Taylor, and Coko Galore. Produced by Long Winter and Vish Khanna. Live mix by Aleda Deroche. Recorded by A. David McKinnon. Photos by Shane Parent. Sponsored by Pizza Trokadero, the Bookshelf, Planet Bean CoffeeGrandad’s Donuts, Freshbooks, and Hello Fresh Canada.