News Podcast

Ep. #793: Ray Padgett

Ray Padgett discusses his remarkable new book, Pledging My Time – Conversations with Bob Dylan Band Members, his music journalism origin story, loving “Weird Al” Yankovic and MAD Magazine, first getting into Dylan and then the obsession with all things Dylan, why seeing one show is never enough and his excellent live Dylan newsletter, whether Dylan might be retiring, talking to people who rarely or have never discussed working with Dylan, learning more about the man through others, future plans, and much more. Supported by you on PatreonPizza Trokaderothe BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.

News Podcast

Ep. #751: Noah23

Noah23 discusses his brilliant new album, Ikosi Tria, numerology, synchronicity, temporality, pharmacology, sanity, reality, hilarity, hip-hop superiority, future plans and much more. Supported by you on PatreonPizza Trokaderothe BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. Support Y.E.S.S. and Black Women United YEG. Follow vish online.