News Podcast

Ep. #942: Nap Eyes

EVERY OTHER KREATIVE KONTROL EPISODE IS ONLY ACCESSIBLE TO MONTHLY $6 USD PATREON SUPPORTERS. Enjoy this excerpt and please subscribe now via this link to hear this full episode. Thanks!

Nigel Chapman and Josh Salter from Nap Eyes stop by for a talk about their new album, The Neon Gate, working remotely and living in a house together, producer Rene Wilson and the synthesized, electronic drum sounds on this record, people swapping instruments and a tremendous guitar part that recalls Nels Cline, adapting poetry for new song lyrics, two bands called Quivers, an appointment with Dr. Cool, writing new songs, touring a lot, playing in Edmonton at Winterruption on January 22, other future plans, and much more.

Support vish on Patreon! Thanks to Blackbyrd Myoozik, the BookshelfPlanet Bean Coffee, and Grandad’s Donuts. 
Support Y.E.S.S., Pride Centre of Edmonton, and Letters to Santa. Follow vish online.

Related episodes/links:

Ep. #930: Dog Day
Ep. #913: Quivers
Ep. #893: Energy Slime
Ep. #885: Laughing
Ep. #850: You’ve Changed Records is 15!
Ep. #809: Faith Healer
Ep. #414: Nap Eyes
Ep. #198: Nigel Chapman of Nap Eyes
Ep. #110: Josh Salter & Matt Peters of Monomyth

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