This week, for our penultimate program before we go on indefinite hiatus, the Mich Vish Interracial Morning Show! may just hear from every single member of the influential band, Fugazi.

Emerging from Washington D.C. in 1987, Fugazi are my favourite band of all time and we’ve been lucky to have each and every member on our show at various points over the past six years. When they went on “indefinite hiatus” in 2002, many fans were puzzled by the terminology, even though the words belie the intent. “But so wait, did Fugazi break up?” Nope, they’re on hiatus. Indefinitely. Look, I empathize with you here. As Michelle and I enter into our own indefinite hiatus after working quite diligently on this thing of ours, I too am feeling somewhat uneasy about what pushing pause really means. I need moral support. And I can only think of one group of people who might know exactly what we’re about to go through…
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thanks a lot,
Upcoming Guests:
July 20: Fugazi?
July 27: Steve Albini – 300th & Final Show Before Indefinite Hiatus