LIDS is a Toronto-based trio consisting of Brian Borcherdt (Holy Fuck, Dusted), Doug MacGregor (Constantines, City and Colour), and Alex Edkins (METZ). This past March, the band released a single for “Sarsfest” b/w “Blank Flag” via Telephone Explosion and have played select shows when their busy schedules permitted them to do so. This Sunday July 26 at 7 PM, LIDS performs at Guelph’s Hillside Festival and here, Brian, Doug, Alex, and I talk about the nineties, Empire Records and Reality Bites and The Ben Stiller Show, DVDs, Ronnie’s and break-ups, METZ are fine, where LIDS came from and how they’re a ‘stupor group,’ Rob Ford and the Pan Am Games HOV lanes, two and not three, Toronto the extreme, dysfunctional local government versus civic action, Mayor John Tory and Kanye West and Drake, slapping the bass, good and bad Hillside workshops, Brian dressed like a goofy robot, under pressure, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper attacked Holy Fuck, Doug’s jam band app, Dioctave and drumming with a drum machine, dabbled in clickage, LIDS is a buddy band, Chris Koltay from Detroit, one day in Perth, who’s the busiest, Doug has to juggle City and Colour and Constantines, Brian has free time, Dusted, the MC5 and Can, SARSstock, AC/DC kicked ass and the Stones kinda stunk, Will Kidman quit when AC/DC went on-stage, AC/DC rehearsed at Cherry Beach, my kid and AC/DC, Doug and Back in Black, when Brian defaced a Bon Scott statue, future plans for everyone, Holy Fuck’s new album, Hillside Festival chatter, Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy, the songs “Sarsfest” and “Blank Flag,” and then we put a lid on it.
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