Sarah Harmer is a very gifted Canadian singer-songwriter who originally hails from Burlington, Ontario and is one of this country’s most successful and respected artists. Each of her five studio albums have been critically acclaimed and her latest, 2010’s Oh Little Fire, was no exception. Harmer is also a noted activist and advocate for environmental and political causes close to her heart. Eight years ago, she co-founded PERL or Protecting Escarpment Rural Land, an organization which successfully campaigned to prohibit a gravel development that would’ve destroyed parts of the wilderness in the Niagara Escarpment. This Sunday October 6 in Mel Lastman Square near Toronto, Harmer and the Environmental Defense organization are holding an event called Rock the Line, which features short sets by MINOTAURS, Hayden, Gord Downie and the Sadies, and Harmer herself. It’s meant to draw attention to the Stop Line 9 movement and to protest Enbridge’s controversial plans to modify the Line 9 pipeline running between Sarnia and Montreal. Graham White is the manager of business communications at Enbridge, which, according to the company’s website, “transports, generates, and distributes energy across North America, and employs more than 10,000 people in Canada and the United States.” Despite the fact that Enbridge states that they adhere to a strong set of core values–namely “safety, integrity, and respect”–some Ontarions are up in arms about the company’s plans to modify their use of the Line 9 pipeline in Ontario. Both Harmer and White appear in separate conversations, which took place minutes apart, to offer insight about their respective and wildly divergent takes on Line 9.
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