Justin Small is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist who lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Small is well-known for playing in bands like Lullabye Arkestra and he’s won awards for his film scoring work with Ohad Benchetrit. The two also play together in the critically acclaimed and mostly instrumental band Do Make Say Think, one of the most influential post-rock ensembles to ever call Toronto home. Something about the freedom of DMST is apparent in Small’s ambitious new song subscription series, in which he is writing and uploading a new song every single week. With Do Make Say Think scheduled to play Camp Wavelength on Toronto Island on Sunday August 30, it seemed like a good idea to find out exactly what he’s been up to lately. Here, Justin and I discuss a potty breakthrough and other rad dad stuff, the origin of his song subscription series and its connection to his other music-making, working with Ohad, artistic ambition and challenges, the new Do Make Say Think record, why the band slowed down, tension, back to basics and five members, scoring the film Hurt and its TIFF premiere, new songs, Will Oldham, the future, and then we said goodbye.
Related links: justinsmallmusic.com domakesaythink.com wavelengthtoronto.com vishkhanna.com
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