Slim Twig is the moniker for a young man from Toronto named Max Turnbull who’s a noted actor and musician. Over the past 10 years, he has released a lot of challenging, artful pop music in projects like Tropics, Archaic Women, Plastic Factory, U.S. Girls, Darlene Shrugg, and of course, Slim Twig. His most recent Slim Twig album is a challenging yet accessible blast of psych-pop called Thank You for Stickin’ With Twig, which is available via DFA Records. Here, Max and I discuss his parents’ house in Toronto, the internet and its trappings, drugs, Slim Twig’s cover of Serge Gainsbourg’s song ‘Cannabis,’ not making stoner rock, self-awareness and external perceptions and leading the discussion about your own work, anti-fundamentalism, self-defence, media distillation and brevity, wearing one’s influences on one’s sleeve, gratitude on the new album, tongue in cheek, submerging pop hooks, studio creations and how demos might impact songwriting, unplugged, his idiosyncrasies and accessibility, artists who evolve, over articulation of one’s intent, message control and Donald Trump, “Stoned Out of My Mind” by the Chi-Lites, the twigs of today won’t defend themselves against the seventies, inequalities and protest songs on the new record, era-ambiguous production, Twig’s other amazing band Darlene Shrugg, Young Guv, moving on from Tropics, how Darlene Shrugg influenced the new Twig record and their future plans, Ice Cream, touring plans, a Pleasence Records cassette, the song “Fog of Sex (N.S.I.S.),” and then there was a fadeout killer.
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