If Born Ruffians’ 2008 debut album Red Yellow and Blue was the result of a talented and precocious gang of freshmen, their 2010 follow-up, Say It, would be the project they left school to finish — a declaration that they’re smart and ambitious enough to make it on their own, and furthermore, that they’re in it for the long haul.
Taking two weeks to record the album, the band finds itself teaming up again with producer Rusty Santos. The Ruffians and co. holed up at Mississauga’s Metalworks studio and loosed the reins on their ambitions, experimenting with Minimoogs and saxophones before eventually scaling much of it back in the mixing process. The result is a very mature album, further amplifying the band’s unique voice and sound, ready to take them as far as they want to go.

Fond of Tigers
Continent & Western–simultaneously more experimental and more accessible than previous Fond of Tigers releases–shows the band honing its unique blend of avant-garde textures and post-rock structures while expanding its range to include vocals and additional members. Toronto’s Sandro Perri (Constellation Records) lends vocals and lyrics to “Vitamin Meathawk”, while Swedish experimenter Mats Gustafsson brings his intense saxophone and electronics push to “Grandad”. Bandleader Stephen Lyons also takes the microphone for the lush, unhurried closing track, “Upheaval”.
While the textures and tonalities of experimental improv are still present, Continent & Western emphasizes song structure and melodic detail over some of the more esoteric directions taken on 2007’s Release the Saviours.
Called “post-everything”, Fond of Tigers have been developing their hypnotic and intense music since 2003. Since its origins as a solo project of guitarist Stephen Lyons, the group has expanded to include its signature double-drumkit attack and processed violin and trumpet textures along with the artfully layered hooks. Featuring seven of Vancouver’s leading creative musicians, Fond of Tigers play a layered, nuanced music that explores musical possibilities ranging from the smallest gesture of extended technique, to the full avant-rock bombast possible with a wild, double-drum-kit-led septet. The group has shared stages with Tortoise, Deerhoof, the Grande Mothers, Shad, Mats Gustafsson, Sandro Perri, Chad VanGaalen, and others. Notoriously hard to categorize, Fond of Tigers continue to evolve and explore a musical territory in the outlands of avant-rock.

DJ Charless
Thursday September 16, 2010
The Ebar 41 Quebec St. Guelph
Doors at 10:00 PM
$10 with non-perishable food item
$12 without
Tickets Available:
The Bookshelf – 41 Quebec St. – Guelph
Orange Monkey – 005 Princess St. – Waterloo
CSA Office – University of Guelph – UC Room 274
(non-perishable food items will be accepted at ticket outlets)
All proceeds benefit Out on the Shelf
All food items collected will benefit the Guelph Food Bank.
musicprogramming [at] gmail [dot] com
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 14: CARIBOU – THE RUSSIAN FUTURISTS @ Ebar – 41 QUEBEC ST. GUELPH – 9:30 PM – $20 w/food donation /$22 – AA/LIC benefit for: GUELPH FOOD BANK www.caribou.fm www.russianfuturists.com
THURSDAY OCTOBER 28: CFRU GLAM SLAM BALL – ft. KING NEPTUNE & HIS TRIDENTS – SHEEZER @ Ebar – 41 QUEBEC ST. – GUELPH – 10:00 PM – $12 w/food donation /$14 – AA/LIC benefit for: www.cfru.ca
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12: JASON COLLETT – AL TUCK – BRY WEBB @ Dublin Street United Church – 68 SUFFOLK ST. W. – GUELPH – ? PM – $? – AA www.sundaycinema.ca www.arts-crafts.ca
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18: GRAND ANALOG – D-SISIVE @ Ebar – 41 QUEBEC ST. – GUELPH – 10:00 PM – $12 w/food donation /$14 – AA/LIC benefit for: www.outontheshelf.ca www.myspace.com/grandanalog www.myspace.com/dsisive
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15: STAY OUT OF THE MALL IX – RICKWHITEALBUM – ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS – RICHARD LAVIOLETTE & THE OIL SPILLS @ Ebar – 41 QUEBEC ST. – GUELPH – 9:30 PM – $10 w/food donation /$12 – AA/LIC benefit for: www.cancer.ca www.myspace.com/rickwhitealbum www.myspace.com/1hundreddollars www.myspace.com/richardlavioletteandtheoilspills
THURSDAY DECEMBER 16: STAY OUT OF THE MALL IX – TBA – METZ – PS I LOVE YOU @ Ebar – 41 QUEBEC ST. – GUELPH – 9:30 PM – $10 w/food donation /$12 – AA/LIC benefit for: www.cancer.ca www.myspace.com/metztheband www.myspace.com/psiloveyouband