
Mich Vish Interracial Morning Show!

We’re going on “indefinite hiatus”

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hi. With the impending birth of our first child in August, Michelle and I are placing our beloved Mich Vish Interracial Morning Show! on CFRU 93.3 FM in Guelph on indefinite hiatus after our 300th episode on Wednesday July 27, 2011. Thanks to all of you who have listened to the show and supported us since we started it on April 20, 2005. Thanks too to all the remarkable guests who’ve appeared on the show over the years. It really means a lot to us.

talk soon.

Michelle and Vish

Est. on April 20, 2005, a weekly morning show on CFRU 93.3 FM in Guelph, airing every Wednesday from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM EST. Stream it live at, or download/stream episodes below. Also please keep an eye on our message board for the latest news. Oh. and there’s Facebook.

Upcoming Guests (as of July 25, 2011):

Jack Shit

Download/stream recent shows from the CFRU archive for up to 45 days after original air date:

07/27/2011: Steve Albini  Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Steve Albini; Ep. #300 Playlist

07/20/2011: Fugazi Hour 1 ft. Joe Lally & Brendan Canty; Hour 2 ft. Guy Picciotto & Ian MacKaye; Ep. #299 Playlist

07/13/2011: “Weird Al” Yankovic Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. “Weird Al” Yankovic; Ep. #298 Playlist

07/06/2011: Neil Strauss and Mitch Fillion Hour 1 ft. Neil Strauss; Hour 2 ft. Mitch Fillion; Ep. #297 Playlist

06/29/2011: Patton Oswalt, Jim Guthrie, and Daniel Romano Hour 1 ft. Patton Oswalt & Jim Guthrie; Hour 2 ft. Daniel Romano; Ep. #296 Playlist

06/22/2011: Joe Lally Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Joe Lally; Ep. #295 Playlist

06/15/2011: Joel Plaskett Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Joel Plaskett; Ep. #294 Playlist (Ep. #293 didn’t broadcast; transmission failure)

06/01/2011: Donald Glover and the Burning Hell Hour 1 ft. Donald Glover; Hour 2 ft. The Burning Hell; Ep. #292 Playlist

05/25/2011: Bob Dylan 70th Birthday Tribute Hour 1; Hour 2; Ep. #291 Playlist – Bob Dylan 70th Birthday Tribute

05/18/2011: The Lonely Island Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. The Lonely Island; Ep. #290 Playlist

05/11/2011: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. $100; Ep. #289 Playlist

05/04/2011: Bill Callahan Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Bill Callahan; Ep. #288 Playlist

04/27/2011: The Rural Alberta Advantage and Marc Maron Hour 1 ft. The Rural Alberta Advantage; Hour 2 ft. Marc Maron; Ep. #287 Playlist

04/20/2011: Hour 1; Hour 2; Ep. #286 Playlist

04/13/2011: King Cobb Steelie Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. King Cobb Steelie; Ep. #285 Playlist

04/06/2011: Obits and Richard Laviolette Hour 1 ft. Obits; Hour 2 ft. Richard Laviolette; Ep. #284 Playlist

03/30/2011: NOmeansno and the Mountain Goats Hour 1 ft. NOmeansno; Hour 2 ft. The Mountain Goats; Ep. #283 Playlist

03/23/2011: Pat LePoidevin and the Two Koreas Hour 1 ft. Pat LePoidevin; Hour 2 ft. the Two Koreas; Ep. #282 Playlist

03/16/2011: Shotgun Jimmie and Katie Moore Hour 1 ft. Shotgun Jimmie; Hour 2 ft. Katie Moore; Ep. #281 Playlist

03/09/2011: Christine Bougie and Kevin Breit Hour 1 ft. Christine Bougie; Hour 2 ft. Kevin Breit; Ep. #280 Playlist

03/02/2011: Glenn Milchem and Peter Elkas Hour 1 ft. Glenn Milchem; Hour 2 ft. Peter Elkas; Ep. #279 Playlist

02/23/2011: Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Bonnie “Prince” Billy; Ep. #278 Playlist

02/16/2011: Jenn Grant Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Jenn Grant; Ep. #277 Playlist

02/09/2011: Alex Ross Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Alex Ross; Ep. #276 Playlist

02/02/2011: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Vish on the phone from Vancouver; Ep. #275 Playlist

01/26/2010: Neil Haverty of Bruce Peninsula Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Neil Haverty (Bruce Peninsula); Ep. #274 Playlist

01/19/2011: Tacoma Hellfarm Tragedy Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Tacoma Hellfarm Tragedy; Ep. #273 Playlist

01/12/2011: Chad Ross of Quest for Fire Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Chad Ross (Quest for Fire); Ep. #272 Playlist

01/05/2011: Maylee Todd Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Maylee Todd; Ep. #271 Playlist

12/22/2010: Hour 1 2010 Review; Hour 2 2011 Preview; Ep. #270 Playlist

12/15/2010: Alex Edkins of METZ Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Alex Edkins (METZ); Ep. #269 Playlist

12/08/2010: Richard Baluyut of Versus Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Richard Baluyut (Versus); Ep. #268 Playlist

12/01/2010: Mom and LCD Soundsystm Hour 1 ft. Mom; Hour 2 ft. LCD Soundsystem; Ep. #267 Playlist

11/24/2010: Special Guest Co-Host: Aaron Riches; Hour 1; Hour 2; Ep. #266 Playlist

11/17/2010: D-Sisive Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. D-Sisive; Ep. #265 Playlist

11/10/2010: Bry Webb Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Bry Webb; Ep. #264 Playlist

11/03/2010: Sufjan Stevens Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Sufjan Stevens; Ep. #263 Playlist

10/27/2010: All Covers Ep! Sheezer Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Sheezer; Ep. #262 Playlist

10/20/2010 Guest Co-Host Bill Whitehead; Hour 1; Hour 2; Ep. #261 Playlist

10/13/2010: Scott Nightingale Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Mayoral Candidate Scott Nightingale; Ep. #260 Playlist

10/06/2010: Guest Co-host Bill Whitehead; Ray Mitchell  Hour 1 ft. Mayoral Candidate Ray Mitchell; Hour 2; Ep. #259 Playlist

09/29/2010: Baby Eagle and Van Dyke Parks Hour 1 ft. Baby Eagle; Hour 2 ft. Van Dyke Parks; Ep. #258 Playlist

09/22/2010: Jon Wurster Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Jon Wurster (Superchunk/The Mountain Goats); Ep. #257 Playlist

09/15/2010: Born Ruffians Hour 1 ft. Tim Ward; Hour 2 ft. Luke Lalonde (Born Ruffians); Ep. #256 Playlist

09/08/2010: Caribou Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Caribou; Ep. #255 Playlist

09/01/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2; Ep. #254 Playlist

07/21/2010: Guest Co-host: TJ O’Malley; Hour 1; Hour 2; Ep. #253 Playlist

07/14/2010: Gord Downie Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Gord Downie; Ep. #252 Playlist

07/07/2010: Mike Birbiglia Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Mike Birbiglia; Ep. #251 Playlist

250th Episode! Bob Nastanovich of Pavement 06/30/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Bob Nastanovich (Pavement); Ep. #250 Playlist

06/23/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Nathan Lawr (Minotaurs); Ep. #249 Playlist

06/09/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. M. Mucci; Ep. #248 Playlist

06/02/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Rolf Klausener (The Acorn); Ep. #247 Playlist

05/26/2010: Guest Co-host: Nathan Lawr; Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Shad; Ep. #246 Playlist

05/19/2010: Guest Co-host: Nathan Lawr; Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Harmony Korine; Ep. #245 Playlist

05/12/2010: Hour 1 ft. Sage Francis; Hour 2 ft. Jenny Omnichord; Ep. #244 Playlist

05/05/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2; Ep. #243 Playlist

04/28/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Tony & Ben from Bocce; Ep. #242 Playlist

04/21/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Ben Gunning; Ep. #241 Playlist

04/14/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Pat LePoidevin; Ep. #240 Playlist

04/07/2010: Hour 1; Hour 2 ft. Vish on Hear Some Evil Tour; Ep. #239 Playlist

03/31/2010: (Guest co-host Beate Schwirtlich) Hour 1; Hour 2; Ep. #238 Playlist

Past guests*:

*Barring techincal issues, all past show mp3 files (from August 10, 2005 onward ) will be available here soon.

Past 2011 Guests:

July 27, 2011: Steve Albini – 300th & final show before indefinite hiatus

July 20, 2011: Fugazi

July 13, 2011: “Weird Al” Yankovic

July 6, 2011: Mitch Fillion

July 6, 2011: Neil Strauss

June 29, 2011: Daniel Romano

June 29, 2011: Patton Oswalt

June 22, 2011: Joe Lally

June 15, 2011: Joel Plaskett

June 8, 2011: BROADCAST FAIL

June 1, 2011: Mathias Kom (The Burning Hell)

June 1, 2011: Donald Glover

May 25, 2011: A 70th Birthday Tribute to Bob Dylan

May 18, 2011: The Lonely Island

May 11, 2011: Simone Schmidt ($100)

May 4, 2011: Bill Callahan

April 27, 2011: Marc Maron

April 27, 2011: Nils Edenloff (The Rural Alberta Advantage)

April 13, 2011: Kevan Byrne (King Cobb Steelie)

April 6, 2011: Richard Laviolette

April 6, 2011: Rick Froberg (Obits)

March 30, 2011: John Darnielle (The Mountain Goats)

March 30, 2011: John Wright (NOmeansno)

March 23, 2011: Kieran Grant (The Two Koreas)

March 23, 2011: Pat LePoidevin

March 16, 2011: Katie Moore

March 16, 2011: Shotgun Jimmie

March 9, 2011: Kevin Breit (Sisters Euclid)

March 9, 2011: Christine Bougie

March 2, 2011: Peter Elkas

March 2, 2011: Glenn Milchem (The Swallows)

February 23, 2011: Bonnie “Prince” Billy

February 16, 2011: Jenn Grant

February 9, 2011: Alex Ross

February 2, 2011: No Guest. Well, Vish was the guest, on the phone from Vancouver.

January 26, 2011: Neil Haverty (Bruce Peninsula)

January 19, 2011: Brad Giefert & Darryl Stevenson (Tacoma Hellfarm Tragedy)

January 12, 2011: Chad Ross (Quest for Fire)

January 5, 2011: Maylee Todd

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