KYEO & The CSA Present:
Thursday October 8, 2009
Gentleman Reg (Toronto)
Copilots (Vancouver)
Gentleman Reg
Gentleman Reg has been performing in Canada since the turn of the millennium, garnering attention for his two acclaimed full-lengths, 2002’s Make Me Pretty and 2004’s Darby & Joan. With a voice from the heavens and an unforgettable look, Gentleman Reg made his U.S. debut earlier this year on Arts & Crafts with the release of the critically acclaimed Jet Black. Gentleman Reg has made fans of some of Canada’s best talent, performing and touring with such acts as Tegan and Sara, Broken Social Scene, Stars and The Hidden Cameras. In the U.S., Gentleman Reg is best known for being featured in the 2006 John Cameron Mitchell movie, Short Bus, in which he made a brief cameo and contributed to the films soundtrack. Reg used to live in Guelph and he’s coming back to show off just a little bit.

On Escape Through The Trees, their first CD on Drip Audio, Copilots have captured a sound that is familiar, unique, eclectic and cohesive, tapping deep into elements of pop, psychedelic, punk, and classic rock. Escape Through The Trees documents the group moving forward into new sonic territory from its original release, further exploring the talents of the band members’ gifted songwriting and musicianship. Copilots are a five-piece rock band from Vancouver, BC. Formed in 2005, their debut self-titled (2007) CD received glowing reviews across Canada. The band is Skye Brooks – guitar/vocals (Inhabitants, Fond of Tigers, Veda Hille, Ndidi Onukwulu), Pete Schmitt – bass/vocals (Inhabitants, Josh Martinez), Chad MacQuarrie – guitar/vocals (DarkBlueWorld, NOW Orchestra, Carol Pope), Karma Sohn – keys/vocals & Dylan Smith – drums. These musicians’ backgrounds are equally rooted in creative/improvised music, as well as the many facets of rock and roll. Their adventurous spirit reveals itself in memorable melodies, propulsive and seamless odd time rhythms, and dream-like lyricism that explores the subconscious, human nature, and the power of wilderness. A restrained intensity simmers throughout their performances, at times boiling over into ecstatic abandon.

DJ Charless
Thursday October 8, 2009
The Ebar 41 Quebec St. Guelph
Doors at 10:00 PM
$8 with non-perishable food item
$10 without
Tickets Available:
The Bookshelf – 41 Quebec St. – Guelph
Orange Monkey – 005 Princess St. – Waterloo
(non-perishable food items will be accepted at ticket outlets)
Proceeds benefit Out on the Shelf
All food items collected will benefit the Guelph Food Bank.
musicprogramming [at] gmail [dot] com
KYEO & CSA PRESENT: GLAM SLAM BALL: A TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL JACKSON – KING NEPTUNE & HIS TRIDENTS @ Ebar – 10:00 PM $8 w/food donation /$10 – AA/LIC benefit for: www.cfru.ca
KYEO & CSA PRESENT: SHAD + I AM ROBOT AND PROUD @ Ebar – 10:00 PM $10 w/food donation /$12 – AA/LIC benefit for: www.cancer.ca